Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Love To Paint

Among other things that I do, I truly love to paint. I would love to have a small studio in which to play with my favorite passion but that will probably never happen. I can dream though and do!

I am by far anything but an artist, but I do enjoy doing my own thing. I could probably use some instruction but I like my primitive way of painting, it's who I am. Every once in awhile someone comes along and likes it too and surprisingly I've even sold some of my work.

I can't paint with an audience, can't stand someone watching over my shoulder, guess I'm sort of a closet painter! I can't paint something for another just because they like and want it, I have to like what I see or think up before I can do it. I usually spend some time thinking of a subject before finally putting paint to canvas, board or what ever material I happen to find to paint on. I've even painted on cardboard. When the urge arrives I use what ever is at hand. 

Lately I find myself wanting to do something again but I keep putting it off as I tend to loose myself in what ever and home and family can get put on the back burner. Not a good thing. Sometimes I even forget to eat, for once started, I don't want to put my brushes down. I wonder, are there any others out there that are as crazy as me??

If I have all that I need I tend to work fast, sometimes finishing in a day or two. If it takes longer then I wont be satisfied with what I've  done and wont consider it worth keeping and no one will know but me as it will be trashed quickly. That said I show you one of my favorites. Sadly the camera and lighting doesn't show the colors very well.

This close up show you how rough my work really is.

The subjects name was Carolinas Peyton, his picture was in a 1976 Readers Digest and after reading his story and learning his name I just had to try a painting from the photo. There were more things and a young boy in the photo but I chose only what I liked and put it in my picture.

 He is sitting on a stump by the well throwing corn out to the chickens from an old coffee can. The round object behind the well is a large saw that he used to cut the boards with which he built his home. He had a saying, "No man had his hand in his pocket.", meaning if he could not pay cash for what he wanted or needed he wasn't going to borrow from another. I like that.

Enough said, too much and you will be bored to death if not already! LOL!

Take care all and live each day fully.

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